
Brendan Clarke is currently an R&D Engineer at Tescan Brno. He received his PhD in Opto-electronic Physics at the University of Southampton. A former recording engineer and technical director of KMA Music, New York, his interests include Physics, Engineering, Music Technology, and motorcycles.

EMAIL: He can be emailed directly at ‘bc’ at this website.

Thanks for visiting the site and feel free to get in touch!

10 thoughts on “About

  1. Andreas says:

    Are the original .SND kits available?

  2. manu says:


    installed the firmware this afternoon to my lxr version 1 and it kept on crushing or freezing about 6-7 time in the span of an hour.

    any similar experiences? and suggestions ?

    thank you.

  3. Bruce Ou says:

    please contact me for some discussion. thanks

  4. Nathan Curran says:

    Hi Brendan
    hope your well , im trying to play my lxr on drum pads , i would like to know how i can play the individal sounds on each pad example drum1on the kik drum ,snare 1 on the snare pad etc as all that happends is ony one sound plays all over the pads and and not the individal sounds on different pads
    could help me ?
    mant thanks

    1. Hi Nathan! There are a couple of different ways to do this, I think. You can either assign a different MIDI note to each voice, or a different channel. It will depend on the pads you are using which channels and note numbers will be best. Good luck!

  5. Jean-Sebastien Nicol says:

    Hi!!! I enjoy the 0.37 firware a lot!! Does the 0.37 works with Bastl’s 60 Knobs? Thanx!!

  6. camoz says:

    btw i think mpc and lxr is a nice combo. your vid is the best example!

  7. camoz says:


    i found your website an your videos on youtube. great stuff!
    one question, sir: how do you connect and midi sync the lxr and the mpc?


    1. Hi!
      Glad you enjoyed them 🙂 The MPC is acting as the MIDI master and the LXR is slaved. The LXR has to be set to BPM 0 and the rx filter has to be set to something with an ‘R’ in it (for realtime). The MPC I think has to be set to ‘Master’ in the ‘Sync’ options. They can be directly connected, but I tend to run things through a MOTU micro express – a huge headache saver for MIDI – when I’m at home. The MPC1000 is a great sampler/sequencer for sure! I’ve switched to an Octatrack for now, but the decision was almost entirely based on it having more audio inputs :D. Not that I’m complaining about the other stuff though!

  8. Terence Goodchild says:

    hey, i´m working in a similar project as you did with the midi shield.
    i would need some help with that. well i might have a little budget for that. let me know if you´re interested.

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